New flag and flag pole installed February, 2018. The flag was dedicated to the memory of Greg Gambrel, a long time Fire Chief and resident of the town. Mayor Patty Carson opened the ceremony by stating that "we are gathered here for an important patriotic and solemn purpose - to witness the dedication of the flag of our country, "Old Glory," to the family of our deceased Fire Chief Greg Gambrell. This is a time to reflect on our freedoms and the principles of our great nation for which that flag stands. America is not only the land of the free, it is the land of opportunity. The flag represents all that America has to offer. It is our hope."
Carson funded the project through a PARD grant. The Boy Scout Troop 500 presented the colors and raised the flag against a star filled night. Christopher Livingston and the North Fire Department placed a granite marker at the base of the flagpole to mark the dedication ceremony.